
Excellent Development Opportunity !

Here is a golden opportunity to secure a house on a 766 m2 block in central Cranbourne, close to Cranbourne railway station and major shopping complex. The home itself comprises of 3 bedrooms which include lounge, kitchen with free standing appliances and Solar Electric panels installed. There is plenty of room for kids to play a game of cricket in the backyard. Investors can take advantage of this well-priced, well positioned property that will give you the opportunity to enter in to investor market or the First home buyer market or possible for a multi-unit development. (S.T.C.A).To inspect Please Contact Seevali Kalansuriya on 0403 867 437.

Cranbourne Railway station 8 minutes walk
Primary School 10 minutes walk
Secondary School 10 minutes walk
Shopping complex 5 minutes drive
Western Port Highway 5 minutes drive
Phillip Island Approx. 40 minutes drive
Patterson Lake 20 minutes drive

Property Code: 1246
3 1 766 m2
Address 2 Sidney Street, Cranbourne
Price SOLD
Property Type Residential
Property ID 4044
Category House
Land Area 766 m2

Agent Details

Las Widanage photo

Las Widanage

0429 115 115
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